Access all databases through one application.

This is the Home page of the SQLforge project hosted by

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Some facts about the project:
Short Description: SQLforge should provide a thin and handily X11 Client program running on UNIX to users, who have to handle with SQL database objects and data.
Link to the Project: Following this link http://sourceforge.net/projects/sqlforge provides you all available information about the project and its member(s).
Get the Sources: Go to the CVS web interface and download the source code by clicking this.
Released Versions: Sorry. There is no current version available. Later I will put links to the current available versions here.
Mailing Lists: Should I set-up one? Please send me a short email.
Snapshots: The snapshots below should give you a little imagine of how SQLforge looks like.
Snapshot of the Main View: This snapshot shows the working area with a workspace open that contains 5 pages. Every page holds one SQL SELECT statement or another SQL statement. The result set from database is displayed in the table below. The user may now edit some fields within the table and may then press Ctrl+V for automatic validation of the typed changes (red coloured) to the database. E.g. Ctrl+C will commit the edits.

SQLforge: logged on and selected a table
Snapshot of the Login & Options View: This view shows the Drop Down box with various saved Log ins (without the Passwords). Toggling the buttons on the right side causes the respective database driver to be loaded. Current supported database drivers are for Oracle and Adabas.
last update: 06/07/2001 by rklehm

Any suggestions or questions?
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